An Atlas of the Birds of NSW & the ACT
A Review of Volume 2
This Atlas draws on ~5.6 million records. Volume 2 (May 2016) continues the same style and layout and deals with the resident and regular migrants from the Comb-crested Jacana to the Striated Pardalote.
Included in this volume is a history of ornithology in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory covering from pre-1770 to the present.
For a list of species in Vol. 2 click here
Contact our treasurer for your copy
When published , Volume 3 will deal with the remaining resident and migrant species, all vagrants, extinct species and those of doubtful provenance.
There will also be a section on the birds of the Lord Howe group.
For each bird details include maps, graphs, tables and text on current distribution, breeding, seasonal and historical change and assessment of current status.
This information aims to provide provides a better understanding of the status and needs of each species and where to best concentrate conservation management efforts.
Please see Purchase Atlas for prices and member and non-member sales.
The principal aims of the NSW Bird Atlassers (NSWBA) are to determine the distribution of birds in NSW, monitor their status and promote better public understanding of birds.
An Atlas of the Birds of NSW & the ACT presents the results of long-term data collection and analysis as a baseline against which future changes and the effectiveness of conservation measures can be evaluated and affirms the need to continue the work of the NSWBA.
An Atlas of the Birds of NSW & the ACT is a comprehensive inventory and distributional analysis on the species of birds occurring within NSW, the ACT and the western Tasman Sea. For each species we summarize what is known about the occurrence, distribution, breeding biology, movements, history and current status.
The NSW Bird Atlassers is supported by a dedicated band of supporters concerned for the welfare of all birds